Sunday, November 01, 2009

A Busy Month for Gallowglass Academy

Andrea and I drove over to Philadelphia for the SCA's Known World Academy of the Rapier over Columbus Day weekend.

We put out books on HEMA at our merchant booth and did very well. I taught my classes on Silver and Swetnam.

The next weekend we hosted six members of Gallowglass for a member's day on Highland broadsword. We used the DVD produced by Paul Wagner on Page's system of Highland broadsword.

Then over October 23-25th we put out our books and I offered classes at Rock-Con, a gaming convention in Rockford. Last year we did fairly well at selling books but this year the only books we sold were to friends who were helping to run the con. No one signed up for the classes. Apparently, gamers are just not into learning about the fighting arts they "use" in their games.

On Halloween I went into Chicago to help with a promotion ceremony for three of the instructors at the Northwestern jujutsu club.


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