Saturday, August 25, 2007

Defender DVD

I received my copy of the Defender DVD. I took a look at it last night and find it works very well.

The video is very clear. There is a voice over narration by Master Brusso, who developed the Defender, so the instructions are easy to follow. Brusso and his training partner are dressed in street clothes and are in street situations.

At first I was afraid Brusso would just run through techniques without giving instructions but this is the first part of the tape and he does get into giving definite instructions on how to use the Defender.

The instruction part of the video is again clear and well set up with Brusso showing multiple times how to use the Defender for each attack. There are also stop action photos with highlights showing hand positions and directions of movement.

I can recommend this DVD to anyone interested in carrying the Defender or to any instructor who wants to start teaching the use of the Defender.

Brusso also sells tapes for instructors who are interested in teaching the use of the Defender. You can go to for more information about the Defender and getting the DVD's.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Neat New Defensive Device

This weekend I attended a martial arts seminar where I was introduced to a new defensive device.

The Defender is a simple piece of plastic cut into various shapes.

I have ordered the training DVD and will write more of a review once I have seen it.

In the mean time if you are interested in checking it out yourself go to